My Projects

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My Smart Glasses

These are automatic and portable Sunglasse that interact with the sunlight for its functioning ,When you go in sunlight it's shades automatically goes down and vice-versa in shady places.

Go somewhere

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Smart Dustbin

Created a smart bin using Arduino , which opens automatically when we bring our hand close to it, it also keeps a track of the empty or full condition of the dustbin and notifies the user if it is full through an APP.

Go somewhere

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Machine Monitoring System

Created a an IOT project which enable us to keep a track for working condition of a machine.

GitHub Repo

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Attended many Hacks

I Love Going hackathons as they provide platform to showcase our skills and enable us to learn and explore our capabilities !.

Go somewhere

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Conducted Events Like Aanvik expo

Basically this was a Tech Expo in which we have showcased our various IOT Projects.

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Collaboration With NGO

We have Collaborated with Anokha NGO to teach village students about Tech and IOT Project and it's working.

Anokha NGO